Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant can be defined as hair follicle transfer. Hair Transplant is the transfer of hair follicles collected from denser hairy areas (nape and sides) to the sparse areas. Hair Transplant is a highly preferred and permanent method as it provides natural and healthy results. Hair Transplant also resolves various psychological problems and social introversion caused by hair loss.
Reasons of hair loss
There are many factors, causes and triggering elements involved in the reasons of hair loss. Hair loss, which is one of the most frequent problems of our time, may be due to genetic predisposition, unhealthy nutrition, chronic diseases, excess hairstyling and many other triggering factors. We can examine hair loss cases in two categories: male pattern hair loss and female pattern hair loss.
Androgenetic alopecia, known as male pattern hair loss, can start during early twenties and results in hair loss especially at the top and front strip of the head within a few years. Reasons of male pattern hair loss are related to genetic infrastructure.
And female pattern hair loss is a common condition that can be seen 1 in every 10 women around the world. Genetic background or other factors are responsible. This hair loss type that is characterized by thin, weak hair and especially distinct loss in the hair separation line can be resolved with modern and effective results through Hair Transplant.
Whatever the reason of hair loss, if it is determined that it is caused by a underlying triggering factor upon investigation, reasonable treatment should be considered first, then hair transplantation can be evaluated. If hormonal diseases or deficiency of vitamin, mineral or any other substance is found, the best option is to try to treat hair loss at a disease level.
How is hair transplantation examination performed?
Hair loss ratio and rate are reviewed in the Hair Transplant examination. During the examination, doctor tries to learn how long is hair loss or baldness continue and whether this situation is genetic or triggers other diseases. Different tests are performed to determine. Finally, the donor site, where the healthy hair follicles will be collected from, is decided.
Donor site in Hair Transplant
Determination of healthy hair follicles that are eligible for transfer is one of the most important topic of Hair Transplant procedure. For this, the donor site, the area where follicles will be collected from, must be determined during the examination. The hair follicles that are available for transfer are removed from the nape region most. If this area does not yield the desired amount, the beard, chin area and finally the back, shoulder, leg or chest area are looked at. Determination of the donor site is one of the most important steps for proper planning of the process.
Patients who have developed excessive baldness problems are looked at in the nape area first. If there is no sufficient amount of healthy hair at the back of the neck, the beard area is checked. If the patient suffering baldness problems will not be uncomfortable for the sparseness in the beard area, it is actually a region where the most efficient and high quality results are received for the donor area and there is little compliance problem. The chest donor area is a field with variable efficiency, each type of hair is different, and therefore a prior test transplantation should be performed. Last donor sites to be checked are back and leg areas. In these areas where hair follicles with different structures are present such as the chest, the most eligible and available follicles are collected by considering the comfort of the patient and without forcing them.
Hair Transplant Methods
FUE : This is the one-by-one hair follicle collection method from the hair area between the two ears or from abovementioned alternate regions by using special device heads that have 0.70-0.80 and 0.90 mm diameter with the use of a micromotor. No use of scalpel in the donor site, no suture and no visible scars in the donor site are among the greatest advantages. More follicles (grafts) can be collected by FUE method and it enables more natural and thick hair growth. This method provides 3000-4000 follicles (grafts) from patients with average hair density.
Hair Transplant Stages
Primary question of everybody who has baldness problem are about Hair Transplant stages. If the patient, who has decided to undergo the operation, knows what they will encounter will increase their trust to the procedure and makes them feel psychologically ready for hair transplantation. You can ask all your questions to our expert that will perform the operation.
Before the Hair Transplant Operation
You have to make some preparation at home before you come for Hair Transplant . In the morning of the Hair Transplant operation, there will be some preparation for you at the clinic before the procedure.
Preparations before coming to the clinic
• Do the preparations instructed by your doctor for home and stop the drugs specified by your doctor that may cause side effects 1 week before the Hair Transplant procedure.
• Start using B and E vitamins recommended by your doctor.
• You can accelerate the blood circulation of the areas with donor and receiver site massage 2 days prior to the operation.
• If your are going to have your hair cut before Hair Transplant, contact your doctor first.
• Take a shower the night before the operation, clean and rinse your hair.
• Start the operation day with a nice breakfast and come for the operation with a full stomach.
• Avoid active, tiresome and stressful activities and sports before the procedure and come to the clinic as well-rested.
• Come with a comfortable cotton hat that is not tight to use after the procedure.